

赞助 opportunities include branded Greenmarket雄鹿, Governors Island Teaching 花园, School 花园 Mini-Grants, Summer Greenmarket events, 项目的农舍, 还有更多. We will work with you to create a partnership package that best suits 的 needs of your company. 了解更多.


做出贡献 for you or a loved one to support Greenmarkets, 实践教育, 回收, 农业, 食物, 花园, 和更多的. This is one of 的 simplest and most effective ways to give.


bg视讯 welcomes donations of products or services that help us allocate 更多的 funds toward our mission to create a healthier, 更可持续的纽约. We often need: outdoor kitchen equipment, printing and mail services, 摄影, and outdoor gear for our staff working in community 花园 and out at Greenmarket. 联系 our Development Department at (212) 788-7900 #257.


Help protect 的 future of NYC and ensure your legacy will live on in 花园, 树, 水果, and flowers by making a bequest to bg视讯 today. 联系 our Development Department at (212) 788-7900 #257.


bg视讯's center for sustainability and education, 项目的农舍, is available for private rental. 这个3,5000 square feet state-of-的-art flex space in Union Square is 的 perfect venue for your next event and your rental helps underwrite bg视讯 education programs. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.projectfarmhouse.org.


bg视讯 has many opportunities for volunteers to dig in and improve New York City's environment block by block and community by community. Individuals 18 and older can help lead cooking demos at Greenmarkets, teach o的rs 的 回收 rules, 进行推广, 员工活动, 和更多的. 今天就报名!


Corporate volunteer groups of any size can work on outdoor projects across New York City. 志愿者s from your company can plant and clean up community and school 花园, organize and run cultural events, 种树, or provide 回收 outreach and assistance at major events and street fairs. Our volunteer opportunities are designed to be team building activities that are fun, 活泼的, and get your hands a little dirty. 了解更多.

联系 our Development Department at (212) 788-7900 #257 for 更多的 information.

Due to a printing delay, 2024 Health Bucks will not be available until early/mid-January.

Debido a un retraso en la impresión, las Health Bucks 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta el mediados de enero.

纽约市健康与心理卫生局通知bg视讯,由于印刷延误,2024 健康卡要到以下日期才能提供

Departament Zdrowia i Higieny Psychicznej NYC poinformował nas, że z  powodu opóźnienia w druku, 2024 Health Bucks nie będą dostępne do czasu początek/połowa stycznia. 

Департамент здравоохранения и психической гигиены Нью-Йорка сообщил нам, что в связи с задержкой печати "Баксы здоровья 2024" не будут доступны до  начало середина января. 

  • bg视讯

    bg视讯的网络 Greenmarket farmers markets and Farmstands, coupled with bg视讯批发, ensures that all New Yorkers have access to 的 freshest, 最健康的本地食物.

  • “零浪费”

    We provide 食物 scrap drop-offs, 服装集合, 停止'N' Swap® community reuse events, and zero waste trainings to make resource conservation easy for all.

  • 绿色空间

    We build and rejuvenate community 花园 and urban farms in all 5 boroughs, and support even 更多的 花园 through volunteer days, 技术援助, 学校花园补助金, & 更多的.

  • 教育

    We foster future environmental stewards by providing 66,000 children each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with 的 natural environment.